Skinny Teatox Program Guide
Skinny Teatox Program Guide
Follow this simple diet plan while using MateFit products and watch your body become the healthy and productive body you always wanted... and deserve!
The Big Three are more important in your daily routine.
Get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. Regular exercise will not only improve your physique, heart, and lungs, it will also improve your mental ability. Exercising has shown to help improve older adults' mental performance - more specifically their fluid intelligence and decision-making ability. Plus, you just ‘feel’ better when you are active.
Sleep 6-8 hours per night. If you are getting less than 6 hours of sleep, you will start to see every opportunity as an opportunity to catch a rest. Your brain is temporarily taken over by a feeling of reward. It sends out dopamine to your attention, motivation, and action regions of your brain. While this is happening, your pineal gland secretes melatonin signal, expecting you will give into your brain's want. Because of this stress, your sympathetic nervous system is probably freaking out, making your heart rate go crazy, and your HRV (helps regulate your level of stress and calmness) is in a horrible state. Your heart gets stuck at a higher rate which will make you physically anxious and angry. All this heart activity shuts down your pre-frontal cortex because your body thinks you are under threat. And our pre-frontal cortex is our impulse control region in our brain.
Reducing toxic agents is critical to creating a healthy body and mind. Simply put, don't eat foods that have been drenched in preservatives and chemicals, try to eat raw as much as you can. Also, limiting the amount of alcohol, salt, sugar and processed foods in your diet can accelerate your health and wellbeing.
The MateFit Exercise Guide
Workout = 3x per week
Cardio = Everyday (at least 2x per week)
The MateFit Workout
This workout is designed to be a fast and efficient way to lose body weight and fat. It will help reduce subcutaneous fat by promoting the release of growth hormones in the blood.
Cycle 1:
Squat Jumps (15-20)
Plank (30-45 seconds)
Wall Sit (30-45 seconds)
Push-Ups (10-15)
Rest (30-45 seconds)
Cycle 2:
Side Plank (30-45 seconds)
Squat (15-20)
Jumping Jacks (20-25)
Tricep Dips on Chair (15-20)
Rest (30-45 seconds)
Cycle 3:
Reverse crunches (15-25)
Jumping Jacks (20-25)
Squat (15-20)
Push-Ups (10-15)
Rest (1 minute)
Week 1: 2-4 cycles per workout
Week 2: 3-5 cycles per workout
Week 3: 4-6 cycles per workout
Week 4: 5-6 cycles per workout
The MateFit Cardio
Start with 2 rounds. Keep adding 1 more round per week.
- Warm Up for 5 minutes
- High Intensity for 1 minute (Intensity Level 9-10)
- Medium Intensity for 2 minutes (Intensity Level 5-7)
- Cool Down for 5 minutes (Low intensity)
*If you have any physical conditions, please ask your doctor for permission and/or guidance.
The MateFit Diet and Eating Plan
- 30 grams of 100% Whey protein when you wake up
- Drink MateFit Metabolic Boost in the morning and 15-30 minutes before any solid meals
- Eat 5 meals daily (every 3-4 hours)
- Drink a glass of water before and during meals
- Drink MateFit Detox every other night before bedtime
- Drink your meals Day 1 of every week (see below)
- You can ‘cheat’ one meal a week (we recommend having your cheat meal after a workout)
- For the first few weeks trying to eat any combination from the shopping list below.
The MateFit Weekly Shopping List
Choose three of these:
Fruit Daily Weekly:
Grapefruit 2 / 7
Green Grapes 10 grapes / 2lbs
Melon 5oz / 2lbs
Oranges 3 / No Limit
Berries 2 Cups / 10 Cups
Choose any of these:
Vegetables Daily Weekly:
Spinach No Limit
Broccoli No Limit
Bell Peppers 5 / 4
Kale No Limit
Onion No Limit
Choose one:
Nuts Daily Weekly:
Almonds 25 almonds / 1 Bag
Choose one:
Legumes Daily Weekly:
Pinto Beans 1/2 can / 1 can
Red Beans 1/2 can / 1 can
Choose any of these:
Protein Daily Weekly:
Chicken Breast 6oz / 2lbs
Wild Salmon 6oz / 2lbs
Turkey 1 Cup / 1 package
Whey Protein 60 grams per day
Avoid these foods:
Grains None
Pasta None
Bread None
Dairy None
Peanuts None
First Day of Every Week
Grapefruit, orange, grape and whey protein smoothie
Kale, spinach, melon, almond and whey protein smoothie
Apple, melon, grape and whey protein smoothie
The MateFit 28 Day Teatox Ultimate Program Plan

It is easy to incorporate into your daily health routine. Simply drink one cup of the daytime metabolism boost tea with breakfast and one with lunch. Then, drink one cup of the nighttime detox tea every other night before bed. Over the course of the 28 days of the program, you'll love how much healthier you feel and how much more energy you'll have throughout the day. You'll be able to watch your body transform as those pesky extra pounds just melt away!
- Boosts your metabolism and Detoxify your Body
- Flushes away unwanted pounds
- Reduces puffiness and bloating in the abdomen for a flatter stomach
- Increases energy levels and cleans Toxins
- Maximizes weight loss results and Shrink your Belly
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program